Stretched parents ring-fence cash for latest fashions

Squeezed parents are still managing to set aside up to $1,500 a year to spend on their children's clothing, according to a new survey from Shelia' Wheels.

A poll commissioned by the ladies' insurance firm found the average child's wardrobe is worth $1,677.

Nearly two-thirds of children own at least one item of designer clothing, while 39% of kids are bought their first labelled apparel before their second birthday.

British parents are scraping together an average of $764 a year to spend on the latest attire for their children with 6% spending up to $1,500 annually, more than the average cost of households' spiralling energy costs.
The average child has more than 154 items of clothing in their wardrobe, a shoe collection valued at over $190 and a toy collection worth $1,676.

More than half of the parents questioned said they had bought clothes for their kids they had never worn, while two-thirds admitted to splashing out on items that had only been worn once.

Some 36% of parents said they worried their children would be bullied if their wardrobe were deemed to be not sufficiently up-to-date. A quarter admitted to feeling guilty if they did not buy their children the latest fashions, while nearly 40% declared it their “duty” to keep their offspring on-trend.

Jacky Brown, a spokesperson at Sheilas' Wheels, said: “It used to be kids who followed in their parents' footsteps but now it seems children are leading the way when it comes to keeping up with expensive fashion trends.

“Designer clothes and shoes for kids have become an increasingly popular purchase but parents must make sure they tot up the value of their child's wardrobe to ensure they have ample contents insurance, as it's crucial not to underestimate the cost to replace a little miss fashionista's designer wardrobe.”
Par authenticlouisvuitto le mardi 05 juillet 2011


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